openwrt Build OpenWrt for Xiaomi AX3600 Update March 26th, 2022 - Strong recommendation to use Robimarko's prebuild images [] instead of rolling your own. Build Infrastructure - CXP11 - Ubuntu 20.04
Tinker Notes Upgrade Ghost3 to Ghost4 Docker After updating to the latest ghost3 docker container, the upgrade to ghost4 was equally simple. First stop the service with docker-compose stop service The update the docker-compose.yaml entry for the service to
Tinker Notes Update Ghost3 Docker Container This is to test whether the system still accepts new posts after upgrading to the latest version of ghost-3 with the commands: docker-compose stop service docker-compose pull service docker-compose up --no-deps -d service
Tinker Notes Upgrading from Ghost 1 to Ghost 2 in Docker Container Hm, this seemed to go too smooth. My old ghost container had been started with something like this: docker run -d -e url= --name daniels-blog-ghost -v /var/lib/ghost/daniels-blog-data:
Tinker Notes Calibre Download in Docker The Amazon Kindle reader software and hardware do have a good user experience compared to some stock reader apps (..cough..economist ios app..cough..) So I prefer to downloading suitable content with calibre&